Oddelek za zgodovino

Graz International Summer School 2023_Application deadline January 31, 2023

Pozdravljene, pozdravljeni, 

prejeli smo spodnje informacije o 2-tedenski poletni šoli Conflict, Challenge and Change: State – Society – Religion, ki jo graška univerza organizira v Seggauu (Lipnica/Leibnitz), šola bo potekala od 2. do 15. julija 2023, prijavni rok: 31. 1. 2023 

Sporočilo organizatorjev: 

The Graz International Summer School Seggau (GUSEGG) is a 2-weeks international academic program inviting motivated and interested students from all disciplines and all levels to apply. Approaching the overall topic: Conflict, Challenge and Change: State – Society – Religion, students will attend morning lectures, seminar modules and panel discussions and thus learn about this topic from different disciplines and perspectives.  

The unique setting of 80 students and 20 professors from all over the world living together on the castle campus will enable in-depth discussions between seminars and lectures, and foster a sustainable knowledge-transfer. Information on the academic program and the application process can be found on our poster, as well as on our website: GUSEGG - Büro für Internationale Beziehungen (uni-graz.at).  

·  All-inclusive package (tuition, meals, accommodation, extra-curricular program, Graz excursion) 

·  6 ECTS credits for participation and seminar paper 

·  Developing skills in documentary production, academic, and creative writing 

·  Publishing opportunity in Off Campus: Seggau School of Thought publication series 




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