Marko Juvan
Office hours

Tuesday, 13.30-15.00, in the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Institute of Slovenian Literature and Literary Studies, Novi trg 5, 3rd floor.



Department of Slovene Studies

Prof. Dr. Marko Juvan

Marko Juvan, a member of Academia Europaea, is a Senior Researcher at the ZRC SAZU Institute of Slovenian Literature and Literary Studies, a Professor of Slovenian Literature and Literary Theory at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, and a member of the ICLA/AILC Executive Committee. His recent publications on genre theory, intertextuality, literary geography, Slovenian Romanticism, and world literature include History and Poetics of Intertextuality (Purdue University Press, 2008), Literary Studies in Reconstruction (Peter Lang, 2011), Hibridni žanri (Hybrid Genres, Ljubljana, 2017; Serbian translation 2019), and Worlding a Peripheral Literature (Palgrave Macmillan, 2019).

Single-authored books 

Worlding a Peripheral Literature. Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.

Hibridni žanri: Študije oi križancih izkustva, mišljenja in literature (Hybrid Genres: Crossing Literature with Thinking and Experience). Ljubljana: LUD Literatura, 2017.

Prešernovska struktura in svetovni literarni sistem (The Prešernian Structure and the World Literary System). Ljubljana: LUD Literatura, 2012.

Literary Studies in Reconstruction: An Introduction to Literature. Frankfurt a/M. etc.: P. Lang, 2011.

History and Poetics of Intertextuality. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue UP, 2008.

Literarna veda v rekonstrukciji (Literary Studies in Reconstruction). Ljubljana: LUD Literatura, 2006. (Novi pristopi). – Serbian translation: Nauka o književnosti u rekonstrukciji. Transl. Miljenka Vitezović. Beograd: Službeni glasnik, 2011.

Vezi besedila (Textual Ties). Ljubljana: LUD Literatura, 2000. (Novi pristopi).

Intertekstualnost (Intertextuality). Ljubljana: DZS, 2000. (Literarni leksikon 45).

Domači Parnas v narekovajih: Parodija in slovenska književnost (Domestic Parnassus in Quotation Marks: The Parody and Slovenian Literature). Ljubljana: LUD Literatura, 1997. (Novi pristopi).


Edited books 

Med majem '68 in novembrom '89: transformacije sveta, literature in teorije (From May 1968 to November 1989: Transformations of the World, Literature and Theory). Ed. Marko Juvan. Ljubljana: ZRC, 2021.

Prostori slovenske književnosti (Spaces of Slovenian Literature). Ed. Marko Juvan. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2016.

Svetovne književnosti in obrobja (World Literatures and Peripheries). Ed. Marko Juvan. Ljubljana: ZRC, 2012.

Writing Literary History: Selected perspectives from Central Europe. Eds. Darko Dolinar, Marko Juvan. Frankfurt a/M. etc.: P. Lang, 2006.

Compulsory Courses

Elective Courses


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