Exam period:
January 20: 9:00–11:00
January 23: 9:00–11:00
January 28: 10:00–11:00
February 5: 10:00–11:00
February 7: 9:00–10:00
I will be on vacation from February 10 to February 14.
Tch. Asst. Luka Horjak
Exam period:
January 20: 9:00–11:00
January 23: 9:00–11:00
January 28: 10:00–11:00
February 5: 10:00–11:00
February 7: 9:00–10:00
I will be on vacation from February 10 to February 14.
Tch. Asst. Luka Horjak
by previous appointment
Asst. Prof. Dr. Mojca Stritar Kučuk
THURS 15.30 in room 536c and/or at ZOOM: https://uni-lj-si.zoom.us/j/98449288272?pwd=YlYvZGgycGhVSld2eDA1c2o4Nkh…
or by appointment.
During exam periods: THURS 15.30- ZOOM or by appointment in room 536c (Aškerčeva 2)
Dr. Hotimir Tivadar
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