Department of Slovene Studies

Prof. Dr. Alojzija Zupan Sosič

Alojzija Zupan Sosič (1964) is a full professor of Slovene literature at the Department of Slovene Studies at the Faculty of Arts, Ljubljana. She graduated from the Faculty of Arts in Slovenian and Serbo-Croatian in 1988, and in 1998 in comparative literature and literary theory as an additional subject. She obtained her master's degree with the subject of love and eroticism in contemporary Slovenian poetry, and in 2001 she obtained her doctorate with the subject of the modern Slovenian novel at the end of the century. After graduating, she taught Slovene language and literature at secondary schools in Ljubljana, and in 1998 she was employed as an  assistant for Slovene literature at the Faculty of Arts. Here, since 2002, he has been teaching contemporary Slovenian literature at the Department of Slovenian Studies. She has published books and discussions in Slovenian and other languages; she is also a co-author of high school textbooks and scientific monographs. She edited several anthologies and proceedings of symposia or seminars, and also published four independent scientific monographs, the latest of which is I am reading poems (2025). She chaired the jury for the best Slovenian story (Fabula) and the best Slovenian novel (Kresnik), and also participated in the jury for the Prešeren awards; she is the vice president of the board of directors for the Cankar Award. She led the project entitled Other in Slovenian and Bosnian Literature (1999–2003) and participated in various projects, for six years she was the president of the STU program (within the Center for Slovenian as a Second/Foreign Language at the Faculty of Arts), and she is currently a member of the editorial board of the board of the international journal Slovenica and Ars@humanitas. With her contributions, she participates in international conferences and symposia at home and abroad; as a visiting professor, she lectures at many universities outside her homeland. Her areas of scientific interest are: modern Slovenian narrative, especially the latest Slovenian novel, Slovenian love poetry, women's literature, gender identity, narrative theory and literary interpretation.

ZUPAN SOSIČ, Alojzija. A Theory of narrative. Cambridge: Cambridge SP, 2022.

ZUPAN SOSIČ, Alojzija. Bagrjana : "nad svet vrtinči sla me neugnana" = Bagrjana : "over the world unruly lust is swirling me". V: SUBIOTTO, Namita (ur.), DIMITROV, Ljudmil (ur.). B?lgarija - Severna Makedonija - Slovenija : literaturnijat prevod v priemaštata kultura i v obrazovanieto = Bugarija - Severna Makedonija - Slovenija : literaturniot prevod vo celnata kultura vo obrazovanieto = Bolgarija - Severna Makedonija – Slovenija. Sofija: Nacionalno izdatelstvo za obrazovanie i nauka "Az-buki", 2020, 91–101.

ZUPAN SOSIČ, Alojzija. Cankarjev roman Gospa Judit in Nietzschejeva miselnost. Slavistična revija : časopis za jezikoslovje in literarne vede. [Tiskana izd.]. apr.-jun. 2020, letn. 68, št. 2, str. 139-151.

ZUPAN SOSIČ, Alojzija. Identitet savremenog slovenskog romana. Razlika, 2004, 3 / 9, 33–43.

ZUPAN SOSIČ, Alojzija. Filozofske prvine Cankarjeve romaneskne poetike in roman Nina. Ars & humanitas : revija za umetnost in humanistiko.

ZUPAN SOSIČ, Alojzija. Między modernizmem a postmodernizmem : kilka uwag o współczesnej powieści słowieńskiej. Opcje (Katow., Druk), 2004, 1/2, 54 /55, 54–57.

ZUPAN SOSIČ, Alojzija. Mityzacja i demityzacja kobiety w powieściach Ivana Cankara jako część pamięci zbiorowej i kulturowej. V: ŠULER-GALOS, Jasmina (ur.), CMIEL, Marta (ur.), BILIŃSKA-BRYNK, Joanna (ur.). Starcie narracji : studia o słoweńskiej pamięci zbiorowej. Wyd. 1. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2023, 245–266.

ZUPAN SOSIČ, Alojzija. Na pomolu sodobnosti ali o književnosti in romanu. Maribor: Litera, 2011.

ZUPAN SOSIČ, Alojzija. Nekaj v megli nad reko. Maribor: Litera, 2022.

ZUPAN SOSIČ, Alojzija. Nietzsche in Cankar. V: PLEMENITAŠ, Katja (ur.), MARVIN DERGANC, Tatjana (ur.). Prepričevalna moč sodobnega političnega in medijskega diskurza = Persuasion in contemporary political and media discourse. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete: = University Press, Faculty of Arts, 2020. 14, [št.] 1,  269-283. Ars & humanitas.

ZUPAN SOSIČ, Alojzija. Pripovedna empatija ter Cankarjeva romana Hiša Marije Pomočnice in Križ na gori. Primerjalna književnost. [Tiskana izd.]. maj 2020, letn. 43, št. 1, 223-242.

ZUPAN SOSIČ, Alojzija. Robovi mreže, robovi jaza. Sodobni slovenski roman. Maribor: Litera, 2006.

ZUPAN SOSIČ, Alojzija. Slovene literature since1990s. After Yugoslavia: Cultural spaces of a vanished land  (ur. R. Gorup). Stanford: Stanford universtity press, 2013, 265–273.

ZUPAN SOSIČ, Alojzija. Slovenian LGBTQ narrative in the new millennium. V: ZAVRL, Andrej (ur.), ZUPAN SOSIČ, Alojzija (ur.). Go East! : LGBTQ+ literature in Eastern Europe : zbornik prispevkov s konference Na Vzhod! LGBTQ+ književnost v Vzhodni Evropi. 1st e-ed. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, 2020, 154–161.

ZUPAN SOSIČ, Alojzija. Socializem in socialna empatija v Cankarjevem romanu Na klancu. V: VIDMAR, Ksenija H. (ur.), PUŠNIK, Maruša (ur.). Pandemija COVID-19 in njene družbene posledice = Covid-19 and its social consequences. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete: = University Press, Faculty of Arts, 2021. 15, [št.] 1, 157-169. Ars & humanitas,

ZUPAN SOSIČ, Alojzija. Spolni stereotipi in sodobni slovenski roman. Primerjalna književnost 2007, 30/1, 109–120.

ZUPAN SOSIČ, Alojzija. Teorija pripovedi. Maribor: Litera, 2017.

ZUPAN SOSIČ, Alojzija. Teorija pripovijesti. Zagreb: Znanstvena založba FF in K. Premur, 2022.

ZUPAN SOSIČ, Alojzija. The contemporary Slovene novel and gender identity. Slovene studies. Journal of the Society for Slovene studies 2006. 28/1-2, 31–53

ZUPAN SOSIČ, Alojzija. The contemporary Slovene novel. Slov. stud., 2008, 30/2, 155-170.

ZUPAN SOSIČ, Alojzija. Transgender issues in the novels Orlando and My name is Damian. V: GADPAILLE, Michelle (ur.), KREVEL, Mojca (ur.). Living and learning in dissimilitude without dissonance : wording otherness. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2024.

ZUPAN SOSIČ, Alojzija. Typy rozprávača a jeho inovácie (na príklade súčasného slovinského románu). Slovenská literatúra : časopis Slovenskej akadémie vied. 2022.

 ZUPAN SOSIČ, Alojzija. Zadrge odpetih poezij. V: V tebi se razraščam : antologija slovenske erotične poezije, (Knjižnica Kondor, zv. 325). 1. izd. Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga, 2009.

ZUPAN SOSIČ, Alojzija. Zavetje zgodbe: sodobni slovenski roman ob koncu stoletja, (Zbirka Novi pristopi). Ljubljana: Literarno-umetniško društvo Literatura, 2003.






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