Didactics II
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 15
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): asist. Pelicon Sara, izr. prof. dr. Štefanc Damijan
1. levels of articulation, subject of articulation, analysis of articulation levels
2. didactic phases of teaching process
3. social forms and teaching methods; teaching materials; teaching strategies
4. the notion, functions and characteristics of curriculum planning; structure of educational programme; syllabus; the criteria for selection of teaching content
5. strategies of curriculum planning: curriculum as content, curriculum as product, and curriculum as process
6. curriculum planning in teacher’s practice: planning the course, institutional curriculum planning, teacher’s lesson plan
7. definition of didactic principles; their fundamental characteristics and dilemmas
8. generality, reasonableness and validity, formulation of didactic principles
9. methodological background and classification of didactic principles
10. detailed analysis of selected didactic principles
- Blažič, M. idr. (2003). Didaktika (visokošolski učbenik). Novo mesto: Visokošolsko središče (426 str.)ID=127269376
- Kramar, M. (1994). Načrtovanje in priprava izobraževalno-vzgojnega procesa v šoli. Nova Gorica : Educa (90 str.).ID=37156608
- Kramar, M. (2002). Avtonomija šole in didaktični koncept izobraževalnega procesa. Sodob. pedagog., letn. 53, št. 1, str. 98-112. ID=761348
- Načrtovanje pouka (tematska številka). Sodobna pedagogika, št. 5/1999, str. 8-93.ID=761348
- Strmčnik, F. (2001). Didaktika – osrednje teoretične teme. Ljubljana: Filozofska fakulteta (401 str.). ID=113563136
- Strmčnik, F. (1994). Dileme didaktičnih načel. Sodob. pedagog., let. 45, št. 3/4 , str. 107-121.ID=761348
- Šilih, G. (1961). Očrt splošne didaktike. Ljubljana: DZS (317 str.)ID=27126017
- Tomić, A. (1990). Teorija in praksa spremljanja pouka. Ljubljana: Zavod za šolstvo (174 str.).ID=22238720
- Tomić, A. (2002). Spremljanje pouka. Zavod RS za šolstvo, Ljubljana (167 str.)ID=117167104
- Westbury, I. et al. (eds). Teaching as a Reflective Practice. The German Didaktik Tradition. New Jersey/London: LEA (346 str.).ID=42384994
Relevant domestic and foreign articles, accessible in libraries and internet.