Predavanje prof. dr. Marka Špikića: Preobrazbe zgodovinskih mest kot problem konservatorstva (Transformations of Historic Towns as a Conservation Problem)

V okviru poletne šole bo na Oddelku za umetnostno zgodovino (predavalnica 343) predaval prof. dr. Marko Špikić s Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Zagrebu.
Predavanje z naslovom Transformations of Historic Towns as a Conservation Problem je odprto tudi za zunanje obiskovalce.


Recognition of the values of historic towns follows the evolution of the modern cult of monuments as collective endeavour since the late 18th century. European towns that until the Industrial Revolution underwent transformations comparable to those on individual historical monuments (alterations, fragmentations, expansions), became a complex object of research and care since the end of the 19th century. This presentation will offer a summary of the most important topics in the debate on the relationship between the new creation and conservation at the urban level, recalling the most important representatives defending the conservation principles in the discussion on values of historic towns in Europe from the second half of the 19th century until today.


Department of Translation Studies, Department of Slovene Studies, Faculty of Arts

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